Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Tuesday was an adventures day. Lets just say I didn't spend all day in the house like usual. For starters we had to wake up extra early to drive to Mommy's appointment.

We had to leave as soon as I got finished eating breakfast. 

The place we had to go was 30 or more minutes away and we didn't want to get lost. We almost did because we didn't see any street signs.

Granny Cup held me while Momma talked to the lady. I was soo good in there Daddy you would have been soo proud of me!!

After we were done it was lunch time, so we went to Olive Garden.

I had some potatoes, some bread, some alfredo sauce, and some raspberry cheesecake :D I just LOOVVED the cheesecake.

The lady sitting behind me was sooo super duper nice! I loved her shirt because I kept reaching back and grabbing it haha. She wanted me to come home with her, but I think Mommy would have missed me too much!

I fell asleep in the car while we were waiting for the crazy rain to stop so we could go to Wal-Mart. Momma and Granny Cup were freezing in the car while my whole head is covered in sweat haha. 

Finally we got home and Momma made me... comfortable.

This is my new favorite thing to do...

I crawl up my bouncer and try to stand up where your butt is supposed to go. I just stand up and bounce until I get scared then I sit down and cry until Momma gets me out haha.

After some dinner and play time I got tired and went to sleep.

Goodnight Daddy!! I love you and am always thinking about you. I miss you soo much!!



Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saying Goodbye


This week has been soo fun and exciting!! I've met so many new family members, and they ALLL loved me sooo sooo much!! Today I had to say goodbye to all of my Oklahoma family :(

Thank you everyone.. even little Sammy for all the hugs and kisses and LOVE!! And maybe next time I won't be scared of you Auntie Jeannie haha. I love you all sooooo MUCH and can't wait to come and visit you and My Great Grandpa Chuck!

So Daddy I've met new family this week and FINALLY started crawling on my hands and knees and been getting into a lot of trouble this week too. Oh and Auntie Jerrica came to live with me toooo!!

When she first got here I didn't remember who she was haha, can you tell?! But I just loove hers sooo much! She makes me laugh all the time and she keeps me busy too. Oh and Kara when back home with Uncle Zach and Auntie Heather :( I'm going to miss playing with her, she was soo fun!

Other then all that fun stuff it's been business as usual. 







I've been crawling around all over the house! Now I can crawl into the kitchen and pull open the drawer that's under the oven. I got in big trouble for that. I'm starting to become a handful for Granny Cup when she has to watch me all alone. Her arm is hurt so she can't use it a lot and it hurts her really bad when I make her use it, poor Granny!!

Look at my cute outfit Daddy!! 

And I brush my little teeth now :) Momma doesn't want them to get funky! 

That's a video of me crawling. I won't crawl on my hands and knees all the time, especially when I get excited.. I will only use my belly to crawl around, it's faster hahaha.

And that's me... today actually, just playin' around with Momma. I always bounce around by her when she's on the couch. And I hope you can see my sad face, it's the cutest thing EVER!!! Or so Mom says.

Well goodnight Daddy!!

I love you and miss you soo much!! I HOPE you are thinking about be all the time!!



Friday, July 15, 2011

I can't wait till I grow up!


You have to be grown up to do all the FUN stuff :( Today Granny Cup and Mommy took Cousin Kara to see Winnie the Pooh. THEEENNN they went to Chuck E. Cheese!! I had to stay home with smelly old Papa Ronnie. haha Love ya Papa!! I pooped all over the place when he was watching me. haha.

When Momma woke up this morning Granny had already fed me breakfast, and I was in the middle of my morning nap. I was watching the Disney Channel when I fell asleep. Now that its summer time my favorite shows don't come on anymore :(

I think Mommy took about a million pictures of me and her together today!! I don't know why, I guess she was pretending to be a photographer. haha.

Maybe we should change my name to Casper! haha

It looks like Mommy shaved my head in this one. haha

I like this one the most because Mommy looks soo darn boootyful!!

After the first few "photo shoots"  it was lunch time. Today I ate chicken & chicken gravy mixed with sweet potatoes and mixed fruits. And I didn't make a mess AT ALL today. Most days I spit at least one bite all over the place.

When everyone was done eating lunch Mommy wanted to do anoooother "photo shoot".

Kara looks scary haha

And even mooore in this one haha. 

After those pictures all the girls left the house and it was BOOYYYY TIIMMMEE!! I wish you could have been there for BOOYYYY TTIIMMMEE Daddy!! I watched movies, played video games, pooped all over the place, and the best part of alll... Took a nap!! haha

When the girls got home Mommy said she was never ever gonna take me to Chuck E. Cheese!! She said it was too nasty and waay too much money. Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty of funner places to go. Maybe you and me can sneak there one time Dad!! Don't tell Momma though!

Aaww maaan, Mom wanted to do anoootthher "photo shoot" when she got home tooo! I didn't want to but she talked me into it.

That's the new face that I make all the time now. It makes me look funny huh Daddy?!

After that it was dinner time then I whined my self to sleep. I must be growing some more teeth because I will just cry for no reason or for the silliest reason. Mom keeps telling me I'm turning into a handful, but hey... shes got two hands! haha right Daddy!!

I wish you could experience me and all my tantrums! I miss you Daddy, more and more everyday. Soon I will see you, I can feel it. Maybe that's why I'm so cranky. And I looove you!

Goodnight Daddy!



Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mi Familia

My Family,

Hola, Hello to aaallll my family aaallll over the country!! My family is sooo big, I hope one day I can meet every one of you!!

This is the only picture I have of my immediate family.
What a bunch a dorks!! haha just kidding Mom and Daddy I loove you guys!!

Here is just a little piece of my huge family...

Can you find me?!

In the picture above that isn't even everyone that was at Granny Cup's house for Christmas. Its missing: Grandpa Bryan, Papa Ronnie, Uncle Tim, Kaya, Tai Nani, Nyla, Marley, Alinah, Auntie Jerrica, and Auntie Kira. And that's just Mommy's side of the family.

Here is Daddy's side.

Then there's mi familia in Texas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Ohio, and I'm sure I'm missing some. If I stay a single child forever I'll never feel lonely with a family THIS big... that's for sure haha. 

So to AALLL my family out there...
PEEK A BOOO!!! One day I will meet you OR see you again, and give you soo many hugs and kisses to make up for all the time we spend apart. I love you soo soo soooo very much.

And for my Daddy who I love oohh so much...
Thats mee saying Hi Daddy I loove yoouu and miss you!! I know we will be together again some day and I can't wait!! I can't wait for camping with you, and going to the movies, going on field trips, to the zoo, and maybe one day you and me and maybe Mommy too can go toooo DIIISNEY WOOOORLD!!! All I know is I can't wait to hug and kiss you Daddy. Your gonna love my kisses, I call them exploding kisses because they end up all over your face! haha

I love yooouuu my biig family!! And especially you Daddy! Goodnight


Your Baby Boy

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Week


My week has been filled with... mostly the usual. Eating, sleeping, pooping, getting into trouble. Sometimes I go swimming, which I actually like. My cousin Kara is staying here for a little while and she plays with me alot!

Today Momma got out the toys I got for Christmas. A truck with noisy balls that spin around in it and a race track thingy. I looooved the race track.

(ps I hate that I sound like Evil Auntie Courtney, Kara is a sweetheart, shes the best helper and I just loove the poo out of her!!)

That orange part is supposed to spin around, but of course like every fun thing I have it doesn't work right:( Mommy said maybe she just needs FRESH batteries, We'll see.
Kara and I also helped Mommy give some clothes to my new cousin Paxton Kruz, according to Kara his name is Paxin Kruz haha.

Now I hardly have any clothes. I hope Paxton can actually wear all the clothes because I never got a chance to wear some of them. 

One day this week Momma caught me trying to climb up the stairs.

This was after I got in trouble. haha man I'm cute!! I can also pull myself up onto the couch and I walk along it sometimes. I'm beginning to realize that its a lot easier to crawl on my knees instead of my belly.

I'm trying to spy on Mommy and Kara while they eat lunch in the kitchen!

One day Momma let me taste some of Kara's snack. he he heeee

(ps as soon as I gave Kara her ice cream back she didn't want anymore hahahaha I loove her!!)

My favorite Uncle Nickadoo went home this week too :(

He always played with me when Momma was busy. And we watched movies together and I watched him play video games and tried to take the controller  away.haha. He was soo fun, I loove you Uncle NICK!!

Look at my silly face!! hahaha I think I was blowing raspberries in this picture.

I fell asleep drinking my bottle after I got done seeing you on Skype :D I was sooo happy to see you Daddy!! I hope we can do that again soooonnn! Maybe you can watch me eat lunch or dinner one time or something. 

I love you Daddy and I can't wait until we can hug each other again! I miss you sooo much you don't even know how much cuz its just toooo much!! 

Goodnight Daddy!! I love you! Aanndd I love blankets on my head. LOOOve you more though!

