Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saying Goodbye


This week has been soo fun and exciting!! I've met so many new family members, and they ALLL loved me sooo sooo much!! Today I had to say goodbye to all of my Oklahoma family :(

Thank you everyone.. even little Sammy for all the hugs and kisses and LOVE!! And maybe next time I won't be scared of you Auntie Jeannie haha. I love you all sooooo MUCH and can't wait to come and visit you and My Great Grandpa Chuck!

So Daddy I've met new family this week and FINALLY started crawling on my hands and knees and been getting into a lot of trouble this week too. Oh and Auntie Jerrica came to live with me toooo!!

When she first got here I didn't remember who she was haha, can you tell?! But I just loove hers sooo much! She makes me laugh all the time and she keeps me busy too. Oh and Kara when back home with Uncle Zach and Auntie Heather :( I'm going to miss playing with her, she was soo fun!

Other then all that fun stuff it's been business as usual. 







I've been crawling around all over the house! Now I can crawl into the kitchen and pull open the drawer that's under the oven. I got in big trouble for that. I'm starting to become a handful for Granny Cup when she has to watch me all alone. Her arm is hurt so she can't use it a lot and it hurts her really bad when I make her use it, poor Granny!!

Look at my cute outfit Daddy!! 

And I brush my little teeth now :) Momma doesn't want them to get funky! 

That's a video of me crawling. I won't crawl on my hands and knees all the time, especially when I get excited.. I will only use my belly to crawl around, it's faster hahaha.

And that's me... today actually, just playin' around with Momma. I always bounce around by her when she's on the couch. And I hope you can see my sad face, it's the cutest thing EVER!!! Or so Mom says.

Well goodnight Daddy!!

I love you and miss you soo much!! I HOPE you are thinking about be all the time!!



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