Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Tuesday was an adventures day. Lets just say I didn't spend all day in the house like usual. For starters we had to wake up extra early to drive to Mommy's appointment.

We had to leave as soon as I got finished eating breakfast. 

The place we had to go was 30 or more minutes away and we didn't want to get lost. We almost did because we didn't see any street signs.

Granny Cup held me while Momma talked to the lady. I was soo good in there Daddy you would have been soo proud of me!!

After we were done it was lunch time, so we went to Olive Garden.

I had some potatoes, some bread, some alfredo sauce, and some raspberry cheesecake :D I just LOOVVED the cheesecake.

The lady sitting behind me was sooo super duper nice! I loved her shirt because I kept reaching back and grabbing it haha. She wanted me to come home with her, but I think Mommy would have missed me too much!

I fell asleep in the car while we were waiting for the crazy rain to stop so we could go to Wal-Mart. Momma and Granny Cup were freezing in the car while my whole head is covered in sweat haha. 

Finally we got home and Momma made me... comfortable.

This is my new favorite thing to do...

I crawl up my bouncer and try to stand up where your butt is supposed to go. I just stand up and bounce until I get scared then I sit down and cry until Momma gets me out haha.

After some dinner and play time I got tired and went to sleep.

Goodnight Daddy!! I love you and am always thinking about you. I miss you soo much!!



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