Friday, July 15, 2011

I can't wait till I grow up!


You have to be grown up to do all the FUN stuff :( Today Granny Cup and Mommy took Cousin Kara to see Winnie the Pooh. THEEENNN they went to Chuck E. Cheese!! I had to stay home with smelly old Papa Ronnie. haha Love ya Papa!! I pooped all over the place when he was watching me. haha.

When Momma woke up this morning Granny had already fed me breakfast, and I was in the middle of my morning nap. I was watching the Disney Channel when I fell asleep. Now that its summer time my favorite shows don't come on anymore :(

I think Mommy took about a million pictures of me and her together today!! I don't know why, I guess she was pretending to be a photographer. haha.

Maybe we should change my name to Casper! haha

It looks like Mommy shaved my head in this one. haha

I like this one the most because Mommy looks soo darn boootyful!!

After the first few "photo shoots"  it was lunch time. Today I ate chicken & chicken gravy mixed with sweet potatoes and mixed fruits. And I didn't make a mess AT ALL today. Most days I spit at least one bite all over the place.

When everyone was done eating lunch Mommy wanted to do anoooother "photo shoot".

Kara looks scary haha

And even mooore in this one haha. 

After those pictures all the girls left the house and it was BOOYYYY TIIMMMEE!! I wish you could have been there for BOOYYYY TTIIMMMEE Daddy!! I watched movies, played video games, pooped all over the place, and the best part of alll... Took a nap!! haha

When the girls got home Mommy said she was never ever gonna take me to Chuck E. Cheese!! She said it was too nasty and waay too much money. Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty of funner places to go. Maybe you and me can sneak there one time Dad!! Don't tell Momma though!

Aaww maaan, Mom wanted to do anoootthher "photo shoot" when she got home tooo! I didn't want to but she talked me into it.

That's the new face that I make all the time now. It makes me look funny huh Daddy?!

After that it was dinner time then I whined my self to sleep. I must be growing some more teeth because I will just cry for no reason or for the silliest reason. Mom keeps telling me I'm turning into a handful, but hey... shes got two hands! haha right Daddy!!

I wish you could experience me and all my tantrums! I miss you Daddy, more and more everyday. Soon I will see you, I can feel it. Maybe that's why I'm so cranky. And I looove you!

Goodnight Daddy!



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