Wednesday, July 6, 2011



Now that I can sort of crawl, I've been getting into some trouble. I looove to climb on things.... everythings! haha. I crawl to whatever I want to climb up, like a stool or my walker, and I try my very hardest to pull myself up into the standing position.

Mommy finds me like this almost everyday.

I wanted to look at myself in the mirror!

Look what I did to my crib while Momma was giving Kara a bath without meee.
Yep... I scratched it with my teeth!! That'll show her not to put me in my crib when fun stuff is happening!!

I really wish you were here Daddy to see me act a fool for Mommy! haha. And also to see me be cute and smile, and so I can hug you and kiss yoouuuu. I don't know how to hug and kiss yet but I try.

See I was trying to give Kara a kiss through my crib.

Momma fed me outside so I could watch everyone swim.

Goodnight Daddy!! I love you soo soo sooo super soooooo much and I miss you that much toooo. I hope your thinking about me and love mee toooo.



Your Baby Boy

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