Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Week


My week has been filled with... mostly the usual. Eating, sleeping, pooping, getting into trouble. Sometimes I go swimming, which I actually like. My cousin Kara is staying here for a little while and she plays with me alot!

Today Momma got out the toys I got for Christmas. A truck with noisy balls that spin around in it and a race track thingy. I looooved the race track.

(ps I hate that I sound like Evil Auntie Courtney, Kara is a sweetheart, shes the best helper and I just loove the poo out of her!!)

That orange part is supposed to spin around, but of course like every fun thing I have it doesn't work right:( Mommy said maybe she just needs FRESH batteries, We'll see.
Kara and I also helped Mommy give some clothes to my new cousin Paxton Kruz, according to Kara his name is Paxin Kruz haha.

Now I hardly have any clothes. I hope Paxton can actually wear all the clothes because I never got a chance to wear some of them. 

One day this week Momma caught me trying to climb up the stairs.

This was after I got in trouble. haha man I'm cute!! I can also pull myself up onto the couch and I walk along it sometimes. I'm beginning to realize that its a lot easier to crawl on my knees instead of my belly.

I'm trying to spy on Mommy and Kara while they eat lunch in the kitchen!

One day Momma let me taste some of Kara's snack. he he heeee

(ps as soon as I gave Kara her ice cream back she didn't want anymore hahahaha I loove her!!)

My favorite Uncle Nickadoo went home this week too :(

He always played with me when Momma was busy. And we watched movies together and I watched him play video games and tried to take the controller  away.haha. He was soo fun, I loove you Uncle NICK!!

Look at my silly face!! hahaha I think I was blowing raspberries in this picture.

I fell asleep drinking my bottle after I got done seeing you on Skype :D I was sooo happy to see you Daddy!! I hope we can do that again soooonnn! Maybe you can watch me eat lunch or dinner one time or something. 

I love you Daddy and I can't wait until we can hug each other again! I miss you sooo much you don't even know how much cuz its just toooo much!! 

Goodnight Daddy!! I love you! Aanndd I love blankets on my head. LOOOve you more though!



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