Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting To See You


I miss you! Your so close to me now but I still haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with you :(

Today I've been very sick. I have diarrhea which means I have a diaper rash now. So every time I poo it burns and when Momma changes me it still hurts when she has to wipe me!! Oh man it really sucks Daddy, I've been just crying and crying or sleeping. 

Anyway here are the pictures of the Day I got to see you and what I've been up to since then.

Waiting for our car to come and see you :)

Trying to eat your stuffs.


I like snooping.

Lookin' Fly.

Falling asleep with YOU.

Our little nap together.

Did I fart in my sleep? haha

I hope I get brown like you Daddy!!

Drinking my juice after breakfast.

Bright eyed.

Auntie Jerrica and I in the cabana.

In between rounds of the pool.

These are my favorite pictures.

Here are some random pictures.

And here is a video of my new teeth.

I love you Daddy. And I wish I could see you every day since you are only 45 minutes away. Miss you.



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