Monday, August 1, 2011



This morning I got up a little early, like 8 o'clock, and played in my room for a little bit. Exploring it for the first time. I played with my pile of stuffed animals, my basket of toys, the giraffe that's taller then my crib, and with my reflection in the TV next to my dresser. After I played with all that and got bored I crawled over to Momma (she sleeps in my room now because Auntie Jerrica stole her bed haha) and woke her up. 

So we went and had some breakfast.

And a bottle.

I got milk all over my face...


Later in the afternoon we FINALLY got to go swimming. Its been raining all the time here :( So I've been stuck in the house a lot. But one day last week Mommy, Auntie Jerrica, and I got to go out to dinner :)

I was so good at the restaurant Daddy! One day you will see and you'r going to be soo proud of me! 

Haha! Those are the little snacks Mommy got me. Everyone says they are nasty but I love them :) Once we got back home I was walking around the living room (not really, I walk along the couch... but it takes up most of the living room haha) and I fell right over and hit my head on the table :(

Can you see the bump? I was still crying a little bit when Mommy took the picture. 

Here are some of the other things I've been doing this week.

Playing in the jungle.

Fall asleep with my boootle.

That's the table/cabinet I hit my head on. And I can open and close the door to it.

Play peek a boo with Mommy.

Look like a studly stud muffin.

Fall asleep while playing in my bouncer.

Eat tables.

Look like a triple O G.

Play with tanks.

And that is pretty much all the fun stuff. Mommy doesn't take pictures of me when I crying when I get hungry or tired. Or when I throw a fit because I don't want to go to bed yet. Or when she changes my super smelly diapers. haha. 

I miss you Daddy, sometimes when I cry I say dada. I'm just practicing for when you come to see me :) haha. I love you soo much Daddy!!


Your Baby Boy

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