Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Life in Video


Here are some videos of me through out the past month.

This is right after we got back from grocery shopping today. I was trying to help Granny Cup put away food.

One afternoon Mommy gave some little snacks to munch on. They are sooo yummy, Mom says they taste like a funyon.

Auntie Jerrica was swinging me. This was today.

Me playing with Mommy's reading light. Then I tried to steal Momma's phone and eat it. She says shes surprised it still works. haha

I was playing around and got stuck under my walker. haha

I love climbing on my walker, it makes me taller :)

See me opening and closing the door. I haven't smashed my finger... yet.

When I get bored with toys and everyone holding me, I just go and explore the house.

And that's mostly what I do all the time Daddy! I hope you have fun watching me. I miss you soo much these videos are almost as good as being with you. I love you Daddy!!



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