Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Surprises!! Yaayy


Today I got your presents in the mail :D

I was asleep when they got dropped off and Mommy didn't open them without meeee. She's sooo niiiiice!!

I looved everything you got for me Daddy!! Especially the notes you sent with it!!

Mommy made me try on some of the outfits. After the first two I was getting annoyed so she didn't try ALL of them on.

My flippy floppies fit... kinda. My feet are short and fat haha, look how little my toes are!

Look at that FAT belly!!

That's my favorite out fit.

I have to grow just a little bit more for that shirt, but I really like the shorts Daddy!!

I look flyyyy in this outfit!

I needed some swim trunks toooo because my other ones are too small!

My new FAVORITE pjs!! Mommy loves them too!

My new favorite face to make! Haha isn't that funny Daddy!!

And that's that Daddy. I am sooo sooo thankful for all the things you got for me!! I loved everything soo much but not as much as I love you!! I miss you soo much and I can't wait to see you verrry soon!! I love you.


Your Baby Boy

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