Sunday, August 7, 2011

Panama City Beach... Again


This weekend we went to P.C.B. for Auntie Heather's baby shower for Paxton, my new cousin. I thought we were going to get to stay all weekend and get to go to the beach and do fun stuff, but we didn't. We only could stay one night, Friday night, and the baby shower was Saturday afternoon. Here are some pictures.

Auntie Jerrica bought me some apples from McDonald's. Momma gave me one but they were too hard, she was afraid I was going to choke on it.

I was really good in the car, I slept most of the way. Then Auntie Jerrica started talking loud on the phone and woke me up.

We finally got to our hotel. Dropped off all of our stuff and went to Wal-Mart and get some dinner. Once we got back we discovered that our room wasn't very suitable so we got a new one. We went swimming and the water felt like a bath.

When I was done swimming Momma gave me a bath in the sink because our room didn't have a bath tub only a shower. Then I had a bottle and went right to sleep.

In the morning Auntie Brittney fed me some oatmeal while Momma got ready for the day.

I wish I had more time to spend with my Auntie Brittney and Titi Nicole! There just wasn't enough time to do anything really. Right after this we headed on over to the baby shower.

Then I had to say goodbye to the Aunties!! 

It was soo hot there, 100 degrees or more!! I was soo sweaty, right after this picture Momma undressed me for the car ride home. My back and the back of my head get real sweaty when I have to ride in the car seat for long.

I had some peach snacks and fell asleep. And that was my trip to P.C.B. I can't wait to live there one day. There is soo much fun things to do there, and it seems soo sunny and happy all the time. 

I love you Daddy!! And I miss you soo stinkin' much!!



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