Tuesday, May 31, 2011


You haven't missed much these past two days... It's been boring around here. I've been spending a lot of time with Granny Cup while Momma runs errands. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment with Dr. B, you remember him?! The funny guy! I think I have to get shots :( but I know I'll be ok because I'm a big boy. I don't cry when I get shots!

In the mornings I spend most of my time snuggling  with Momma-Lamma. Then it's breakfast time of course. Not long after breakfast I get sleepy again, but in between food and naps I do a lot. Like talk to Mommy... Here is a video.

One time when Mommy put me to bed she came back to spy on me... Haha.

This was my outfit for the day.

My hair is getting long huh Daddy! Look at this picture of Me and my funny face.

I think some teefers might be coming soon. I've been really cranky lately, and I cry whenever Mommy leaves me. I need her to make me feel better!! But she doesn't like it when I get like that. Wish YOU were here to make me feel better Daddy! I hope you're missing Me too.

Here is a video of how good I can sit up ALLL by myself!!
I feel a lot better having the couch to help me! Otherwise I would be afraid I'd fall back and hit my head on the ground.

I love you Daddy soo much! I hope you think about me as much as I think about you! Miss you! Goodnight Daddy!!


You'r Baby Boy

Sunday, May 29, 2011



Granny Cup got me out of bed this morning. Instead of Momma. But Momma fed me breakfast... The usual. Banana oatmeal and milk.
Granny Cup said I have Papa syndrome... Because my belly is soo big! haha.

We didn't do much today so here are some pictures of Meeeeee. I don't want you to miss ONE day of my adorable face :) I love you Daddy!!

Mr. Bright eyes <3

Mr. Nighty Bear. Thanks Daddy!!

Momma-Lamma and YB :D

Drinkin' some Vaaaaatteerrrr cuz it was really hot outside today.

Just call me Andre.... The seal.haha.

Watching Momma make funny faces.

And that was most of my day. Some stuff Mommy forgot to take pictures. Like at the Mexican place and at Wal-Mart. But I think she has a video of me. Maybe she'll put it up here tomorrow. Well ok Daddy I miss youuuu. And I love yooouuuuu a lot a lot a lot!!!


Your's Baby Boy

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fun Times


I had the funnest day today!! I woke up and got pee alll over Mommy when she came to scoop me up. haha. I guess I pee peed soo much when I was sleeping that it came out of the side of my diaper. Ooopss!
There I am in the buff... check out those biceps baybee!! haha. Then it was off  to breakfast.
Peek-a-boooo!! I ate alll my oatmeal then drank alll my milk so I can grow big and stooonngg!
 Seeeee I'm already doing leg lifts on the couch! haha. I was watching my favorite show Bubble Guppies. It was about spring time today.

Mommy had to do some artsy things in her room so I got to play in her huge bed. I was getting bored and fussy because Mom was taking forever and wasn't paying attention to MEE! SO I chewed on her blankets hhahhaha. Looks like Momma peed in the bed!! 

Then we went over to my room and Momma hung up some pictures and artsy stuff. I played in my crib with all my elephant pals. Then I had my morning nap.
Aren't I just the cutest thing EVVERRR!!
Hey there's the baby that looks just like me! haha.

Kisses from Mommaaaa!!! I loove herrsss

We went back to Mommy's room so she could get dressed. Instead she sang me to sleep.... I wish you were here to hear her Dad! Sometimes when she sings to me I sing with her!!

Look at how good I can sit up on my own Daddy!! I was just sitting there thinking about... YOU of course!

Momma-lamma and meee! We make the cutest couple! Pedro let me borrow his wig! hahaha. My eyes look almost purple huh Dad.
After Mom and I finished our photo shoot she put me on a blanket beside her with some toys. And looook I ended up under Momma's bed!! Isn't that sooo funny!! 

And then the BEST part of the day....Granny Cup came hooommeee!! Finally!! She was gone for soo long I didn't even remember her when she came home. I started crying until Momma held me again. hahaha. I'm so silly! But I finally remembered her :) LOVE you Granny Cup!!

And that was my FUN day Daddy! I hope it made you laugh. I miiiiissss you alot. I wanna have fun times with you! Love you soo much Dad!


You'r Baby Boy

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tornado Warning!


Today... and yesterday were pretty boring days. Mom spent most of the day cleaning and I spent most of the day fussing because she wasn't playing with me. I mean shooo I don't have anyone ELSEEE to play with!! haha. 

I had something new for breakfast :) and it was priitteee yummy! Banana strawberry oatmeal and milk on the side of course. Soooo goody! Here is a picture of me eating, I ate in my Bumbo today instead of my bouncer. Cuz Ima biiiggg booyyy!!
After breakfast Mom put me in my bouncer to watch Bubble Guppies and Little Einsteins. But I didn't WANNA sit in my bouncer... so I got out.
And I blew you a kiss at the same time :D can you tell?! It's cuz I love you Daddy!!
Momma had to vacuum the living room. I didn't even get scared of the sound. She just haaad to put me next to my toy box... and she didn't even give me one to play with. So I tried to get one myself...
When Momma finished cleaning she finally played with me. She keeps trying to make me walk. It's soo fun, I get soo excited when she stands me up. But I don't know how to make my feet move yet. Maybe she will get me a walker soon because I'm getting kinda bored with my swing and bouncer... I'm a big boy now!

Playing with Momma wiped me out! It was BOTTLE tiiimmmeee! 
Yep that's right, I'm SUCH a big boy... I hold my bottles with my thumb OOOONLY!! Pretty cool huh Dad?! Of course I fell asleep, Momma always does that to me! I didn't sleep for long. Mom was watching tv while she held me, I woke up and just stared at her forever.
And here I am staring at YOOUUUU!! Miss you DADDDDDYY!!

I rolled around on the floor, drooled on some toys, watched Wizards on Disney. Then all the sudden a loud tornado warning comes on the tv and scared me and Mommy!! haha. Momma got sooo scared because we were home alone. She thought a tornado was coming to get us riight then. She hurried up and packed my diaper bag and was all ready to run to our neighbors house. Then Papa Ronnie came home!
Can you see the tornado behind those houses!! haha just kidding Dad! We were all safe and sound. It rained for a tiny bit but that was all.

And that was my exciting daaayyy. I fell asleep early tonight, which is good because I haven't been going to bed till late. 
Me and all my elephant pals having a slumber party. A manly slumber party! I passed out doin' the 'get silly' dance!! haahaha!

Goodnight Daddy!! I love you and miss you soo super stinkin' duper much!!


You'r Baby Boy

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hat Day


I woke up BRIGHT and early today Dad!!! And I was the happiest baby in the whooole wide world. I don't know why I was so happy today, but Mom took a LOT of pictures to show you.
This was right after breakfast... I think. Me and Mom were talking about baby monkeys because they were on Go Diego, GO!
haha! Even with my tongue out I look cute :) I was on the search for my sippy cup!
  I fouunndd it. And just like always, it put me to sleep! I didn't sleep for very long. But I did take a lot of naps today, 3 or 4 I think. 
See, that sippy got me again! haha. Mommy scooped me up and put me upstairs in my crib this time. So I could sleep longer. But it still wasn't for very long. Momma was cleaning my room and going through all my clothes to give some to my new baby cousin... Bryson Harlow Zechman.
Mommy told me thats what Uncle Zach's baby should be named.
Since Momma was being so loud I figured I'd better wake up and help her. I was more of a distraction then anything, she couldn't stop taking pictures of me. 
She made me put all these different clothes on and those hats. I don't think I like hats Daddy, although I do look pretty darn cute in that first one huh!? haha! Look at my funny face!!

After Momma and I finished in the room we had some dinner and watched American Idol. Me and Momma hope Lauren wins! Then it was bath time :)
I don't even need a little baby bath anymore! Know why?! Cuz I'm a BIG BOOYYY!!
Do you know what happens after bath time Daddy?!?
Beeedddd tiimeee! I was full of energy after bath time but as soon as my little cutie patootie head hit that bed... I was out like shout :)! 
Tonight I hope I'm not restless again. Last night I kept waking up and crying for a second then I would go back to sleep. Maybe I was having bad dreams. Hopefully, tonight I dream about you Daddy! I love you sooo much and I miss you much tooooooo!!! Love you Daaaaddy!


You'r Baby Boy

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Toys


Today Mom and I got our day started a little bit earlier then usual, actually a LOT earlier haha. We actually left the house before 1 o'clock!! We had to go to Wally World.... agaaaaaaiinn. But before we left I had breakfast. Banana oatmeal and milk of course, and I got to watch Mommy make it :)
While I was eating, I was watching Bubble Guppies!! That's my favorite show, every time it comes on I can't take my eyes off it. It's soo colorful and happy. Today was about skeletons... one day I'll know what that is. 
As soon as breakfast was over we headed to Wal-Mart. Booyyy was it hot outside! Sometimes I wish Mommy would just let me be naked all the time, I sweat soo much! But she says we would look "ghetto". So she lets me wear tank tops and shorts instead :) 

Mom let me pick out some toys while we were there.
Here is a video of me playing with them...
I wish you were playing with me Daddy! I miss you soo soo much! I hope I can see you soon!!

When we got home it was almost lunch time. Mom let my play with my toys and wonder around the living room for a bit. 
I don't know what was so yummy about that handle. Mom thought it was sooo gross! haha. After this it was time to eat. This time it was sweet potatoes... again, and pears with juice in my neewww sippy. I did NOT like lunch today, it was eewww grosss!!! Every time Mom gave me a bite I spit it out. She even tried to trick me and put a tiny bit of pears on the end of the spoon. But she couldn't foooool me! Then all the sudden... she starts making choo choo sounds, so I started laughing and smiling soo big. And that's when she snuck in the potatoes!! Whenever I ate a bite she would tell me I was such a biiig boooyy. It was a lot more fun to eat those nasty sweet potatoes that way!!

After lunch I played around for a little while and tried to crawl again. I think I'm getting better everyday!! Momma took a video of me to show you...
I know I'm so far away, I hope you can see me Daddy!! I'm doing soo good. I just have to figure out hooww to move my knees. But boy oh booyyy my knees and elbows get a little carpet burn when I try too hard. I wonder if someone can make little baby knee and elbow pads?! Wouldn't that be soo kool Dad!
And then I fell asleep with Momma!! She was holding me, but I got all sweaty... I didn't sleep for very long again today, it was soo bright. When I woke up Mommy made me a bottle and put me in my swing. The last Harry Potter movie was playing... finalllyyyyy... but I loved it soo much! Even after my bottle was empty I sat in my swing and just gazed up at the tv. I wanna be a wizard when I grow up... that's exactly what I was thinking!! haha.

When it was over I tried talking to Mom about how I wanted to be a wizard but she just kept talking like a baby and making funny sounds! 
haha. That silly Mommy! I just loove it when she talks to me like that!!!
Now its off to bed for meeee Daddy!! I love you a million bagillion times!! Talk to you tomorrow :)


You'r Baby Boy