Friday, May 20, 2011

Harry Potter Marathon


       Today was a fun day. I wish you were here to have fun with me,but I will see you soon! I woke up and played in my bed for a little bit waiting for mommy to come and get me. She finally came over and scooped me out of bed then we went to snuggle in her big cozy bed.
               There I am. Me, Mommy, and Nighty Bear (the one you gave me when I was born) all cuddled and talked to each other before we got up and had some breakfast.

               For breakfast I had the usual... The waitress hooks me up evvvveryyy time :)... Banana Oatmeal with some milk on the side, heated till a little above room temperature, just the way I like it!! I think she loves me or somethin'. Here is a little video of me eating my breakfast, don't mind my fussing... Mom doesn't feed me fast enough! haha
               I was watching Dora this morning while I was eating my oatmeal. I can't wait until I can learn Spanish like Welly. Then Me and Her can talk to each oooothhheeerrr and say I love you and missss yyoouuuu in Spanish to each oothhheeeerrr and give each other Spanish kisses! I miss Wellaaa and Lolooooo and ALL my Titis & Tios and ALLLL my cousins, I really miss them. I miss them carrying me all the time and feeding me all the time and giving me soooo many hugs and kisses!!! Man I miss that!
             After breakfast and Dora was over Mommy started her Harry Potter marathon, she got the whoooollleee box set to pass down to me when I get old enough. I watched some of it with her today, I liked the part when the wizards were learning how to fly on brooms. Here are a few pictures....
That's me eating one of the Harry Potter movies while I watch the wizards fly. Boy do I look pale, Mom should buy me a pool so I can start looking like you Daddy. Oh and there is my favorite swing :)
And there I am again. I scooted backward under the swing haha. I'm not crawling yet :( but I'm getting REALLY close. I can't figure out how to make my knees AND my hands aalllll be on the floor at the same time... and I don't even wanna get started on my head!! I have a feeling I'll be crawling soon though, don't you worry!
I got sooo pooped after getting myself out from under that swing! Mommy made me a little fort to sleep under :) she's the best!!  But don't worry I was dreamin' about you the whoole time....shh don't tell her!!

By the time the second Harry Potter had started I woke up and it was time to eat lunch. I had some tender sweet carrots, some yummy pears, with apple/prune juice on the side. And daddy you'r gonna be soo proud, I ate EVERYTHING and I didn't make a mess!! Soon after I was done eating Papa (pa-paw) Ronnie came home from work and asked if we wanted to go out to dinner. 

So it was oofff to Ruby Tuesday's. 
There I am in my cute little fit with my cute little shoes on, oh and that's my hippo pal Jingle on the side... you remember him, I mean who wouldn't he's kinda loud. haha. The trip was a little bumpy back there but its ok because it puts me to sleep sometimes. When we got to Ruby Tuesday's there was a table of  old people who just LOOVED meee! And they looked soo funny I couldn't stop staring at them.
At Wal-Mart. Mom put some Mickey sunglasses on me. Aren't I sooo key-ute!!

After dinner Papa took us over to Wal-Mart to get some baby cookie things for me to chew on. At dinner the waiter brought me an orange slice to suck on while Mommy ate her meal. I loved it soo much but Mommy thinks I need to work on my hand to mouth coordination. So she got me some cooooookies :D
Those roads got me again. I was playin' with my toys then the next thing I know I'm knocked out!

Well that was all of the exciting stuff I did today Dad. I hope you had fun reading it. Maybe one day you wouldn't have to read about my day because you'll be in my day. I hope you think about me as much as I think about you, I loooovveee you sooooo much and miss you even more. Here is a little video of me saying goodnight Daddy.

Your baby boy

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