Sunday, May 29, 2011



Granny Cup got me out of bed this morning. Instead of Momma. But Momma fed me breakfast... The usual. Banana oatmeal and milk.
Granny Cup said I have Papa syndrome... Because my belly is soo big! haha.

We didn't do much today so here are some pictures of Meeeeee. I don't want you to miss ONE day of my adorable face :) I love you Daddy!!

Mr. Bright eyes <3

Mr. Nighty Bear. Thanks Daddy!!

Momma-Lamma and YB :D

Drinkin' some Vaaaaatteerrrr cuz it was really hot outside today.

Just call me Andre.... The seal.haha.

Watching Momma make funny faces.

And that was most of my day. Some stuff Mommy forgot to take pictures. Like at the Mexican place and at Wal-Mart. But I think she has a video of me. Maybe she'll put it up here tomorrow. Well ok Daddy I miss youuuu. And I love yooouuuuu a lot a lot a lot!!!


Your's Baby Boy

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