Friday, May 27, 2011

Fun Times


I had the funnest day today!! I woke up and got pee alll over Mommy when she came to scoop me up. haha. I guess I pee peed soo much when I was sleeping that it came out of the side of my diaper. Ooopss!
There I am in the buff... check out those biceps baybee!! haha. Then it was off  to breakfast.
Peek-a-boooo!! I ate alll my oatmeal then drank alll my milk so I can grow big and stooonngg!
 Seeeee I'm already doing leg lifts on the couch! haha. I was watching my favorite show Bubble Guppies. It was about spring time today.

Mommy had to do some artsy things in her room so I got to play in her huge bed. I was getting bored and fussy because Mom was taking forever and wasn't paying attention to MEE! SO I chewed on her blankets hhahhaha. Looks like Momma peed in the bed!! 

Then we went over to my room and Momma hung up some pictures and artsy stuff. I played in my crib with all my elephant pals. Then I had my morning nap.
Aren't I just the cutest thing EVVERRR!!
Hey there's the baby that looks just like me! haha.

Kisses from Mommaaaa!!! I loove herrsss

We went back to Mommy's room so she could get dressed. Instead she sang me to sleep.... I wish you were here to hear her Dad! Sometimes when she sings to me I sing with her!!

Look at how good I can sit up on my own Daddy!! I was just sitting there thinking about... YOU of course!

Momma-lamma and meee! We make the cutest couple! Pedro let me borrow his wig! hahaha. My eyes look almost purple huh Dad.
After Mom and I finished our photo shoot she put me on a blanket beside her with some toys. And looook I ended up under Momma's bed!! Isn't that sooo funny!! 

And then the BEST part of the day....Granny Cup came hooommeee!! Finally!! She was gone for soo long I didn't even remember her when she came home. I started crying until Momma held me again. hahaha. I'm so silly! But I finally remembered her :) LOVE you Granny Cup!!

And that was my FUN day Daddy! I hope it made you laugh. I miiiiissss you alot. I wanna have fun times with you! Love you soo much Dad!


You'r Baby Boy

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