Tuesday, May 31, 2011


You haven't missed much these past two days... It's been boring around here. I've been spending a lot of time with Granny Cup while Momma runs errands. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment with Dr. B, you remember him?! The funny guy! I think I have to get shots :( but I know I'll be ok because I'm a big boy. I don't cry when I get shots!

In the mornings I spend most of my time snuggling  with Momma-Lamma. Then it's breakfast time of course. Not long after breakfast I get sleepy again, but in between food and naps I do a lot. Like talk to Mommy... Here is a video.

One time when Mommy put me to bed she came back to spy on me... Haha.

This was my outfit for the day.

My hair is getting long huh Daddy! Look at this picture of Me and my funny face.

I think some teefers might be coming soon. I've been really cranky lately, and I cry whenever Mommy leaves me. I need her to make me feel better!! But she doesn't like it when I get like that. Wish YOU were here to make me feel better Daddy! I hope you're missing Me too.

Here is a video of how good I can sit up ALLL by myself!!
I feel a lot better having the couch to help me! Otherwise I would be afraid I'd fall back and hit my head on the ground.

I love you Daddy soo much! I hope you think about me as much as I think about you! Miss you! Goodnight Daddy!!


You'r Baby Boy

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