Monday, May 23, 2011

New Toys


Today Mom and I got our day started a little bit earlier then usual, actually a LOT earlier haha. We actually left the house before 1 o'clock!! We had to go to Wally World.... agaaaaaaiinn. But before we left I had breakfast. Banana oatmeal and milk of course, and I got to watch Mommy make it :)
While I was eating, I was watching Bubble Guppies!! That's my favorite show, every time it comes on I can't take my eyes off it. It's soo colorful and happy. Today was about skeletons... one day I'll know what that is. 
As soon as breakfast was over we headed to Wal-Mart. Booyyy was it hot outside! Sometimes I wish Mommy would just let me be naked all the time, I sweat soo much! But she says we would look "ghetto". So she lets me wear tank tops and shorts instead :) 

Mom let me pick out some toys while we were there.
Here is a video of me playing with them...
I wish you were playing with me Daddy! I miss you soo soo much! I hope I can see you soon!!

When we got home it was almost lunch time. Mom let my play with my toys and wonder around the living room for a bit. 
I don't know what was so yummy about that handle. Mom thought it was sooo gross! haha. After this it was time to eat. This time it was sweet potatoes... again, and pears with juice in my neewww sippy. I did NOT like lunch today, it was eewww grosss!!! Every time Mom gave me a bite I spit it out. She even tried to trick me and put a tiny bit of pears on the end of the spoon. But she couldn't foooool me! Then all the sudden... she starts making choo choo sounds, so I started laughing and smiling soo big. And that's when she snuck in the potatoes!! Whenever I ate a bite she would tell me I was such a biiig boooyy. It was a lot more fun to eat those nasty sweet potatoes that way!!

After lunch I played around for a little while and tried to crawl again. I think I'm getting better everyday!! Momma took a video of me to show you...
I know I'm so far away, I hope you can see me Daddy!! I'm doing soo good. I just have to figure out hooww to move my knees. But boy oh booyyy my knees and elbows get a little carpet burn when I try too hard. I wonder if someone can make little baby knee and elbow pads?! Wouldn't that be soo kool Dad!
And then I fell asleep with Momma!! She was holding me, but I got all sweaty... I didn't sleep for very long again today, it was soo bright. When I woke up Mommy made me a bottle and put me in my swing. The last Harry Potter movie was playing... finalllyyyyy... but I loved it soo much! Even after my bottle was empty I sat in my swing and just gazed up at the tv. I wanna be a wizard when I grow up... that's exactly what I was thinking!! haha.

When it was over I tried talking to Mom about how I wanted to be a wizard but she just kept talking like a baby and making funny sounds! 
haha. That silly Mommy! I just loove it when she talks to me like that!!!
Now its off to bed for meeee Daddy!! I love you a million bagillion times!! Talk to you tomorrow :)


You'r Baby Boy

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