Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tornado Warning!


Today... and yesterday were pretty boring days. Mom spent most of the day cleaning and I spent most of the day fussing because she wasn't playing with me. I mean shooo I don't have anyone ELSEEE to play with!! haha. 

I had something new for breakfast :) and it was priitteee yummy! Banana strawberry oatmeal and milk on the side of course. Soooo goody! Here is a picture of me eating, I ate in my Bumbo today instead of my bouncer. Cuz Ima biiiggg booyyy!!
After breakfast Mom put me in my bouncer to watch Bubble Guppies and Little Einsteins. But I didn't WANNA sit in my bouncer... so I got out.
And I blew you a kiss at the same time :D can you tell?! It's cuz I love you Daddy!!
Momma had to vacuum the living room. I didn't even get scared of the sound. She just haaad to put me next to my toy box... and she didn't even give me one to play with. So I tried to get one myself...
When Momma finished cleaning she finally played with me. She keeps trying to make me walk. It's soo fun, I get soo excited when she stands me up. But I don't know how to make my feet move yet. Maybe she will get me a walker soon because I'm getting kinda bored with my swing and bouncer... I'm a big boy now!

Playing with Momma wiped me out! It was BOTTLE tiiimmmeee! 
Yep that's right, I'm SUCH a big boy... I hold my bottles with my thumb OOOONLY!! Pretty cool huh Dad?! Of course I fell asleep, Momma always does that to me! I didn't sleep for long. Mom was watching tv while she held me, I woke up and just stared at her forever.
And here I am staring at YOOUUUU!! Miss you DADDDDDYY!!

I rolled around on the floor, drooled on some toys, watched Wizards on Disney. Then all the sudden a loud tornado warning comes on the tv and scared me and Mommy!! haha. Momma got sooo scared because we were home alone. She thought a tornado was coming to get us riight then. She hurried up and packed my diaper bag and was all ready to run to our neighbors house. Then Papa Ronnie came home!
Can you see the tornado behind those houses!! haha just kidding Dad! We were all safe and sound. It rained for a tiny bit but that was all.

And that was my exciting daaayyy. I fell asleep early tonight, which is good because I haven't been going to bed till late. 
Me and all my elephant pals having a slumber party. A manly slumber party! I passed out doin' the 'get silly' dance!! haahaha!

Goodnight Daddy!! I love you and miss you soo super stinkin' duper much!!


You'r Baby Boy

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