Saturday, May 21, 2011

Juicy Nose


Today was a lazy day for me and Mommy. We woke up and played hide n' seek in Momma's bed for awhile.
I was hiding under the covers! But Mommy found me and flashed me with her bright light! I must have scratched my head while I was sleeping :( that's ok though, it doesn't hurt. 

We finally went downstairs to have breakfast. Today Mom made me peeeeaches and oatmeal with milk on the side. After I finished eating and my tummy settled a little, I got to eat one of those cookies I was telling you about. I ate the whoooole thing!! It wasn't very big, and I didn't even choke on it like Mommy was expecting :D! Aren't you sooo proud of me?! When my cookie was finished I tried to get that crawling thing down. Still no luck, but there's always tomorrow! I was getting so frustrated that Mom picked me up and rocked me to sleep.
 That's the blanket you'r friends gave me! I love it. I love to chew on it, roll around on it, play on it, sometimes I have accidents on it. But Mom just throws it in the washer and it's all fresh and clean!

I slept for two hours... in my comfy crib of course. When I woke up it was time for lunch :) Sweet Potatoes and Applesauce with Apple/Prune juice. It was all soooo yummy! I almost gave Mom a heart attack today when I was drinking my juice. I was drinking it too fast and choked on it, it came up my nose and evvverryyything!!! I cried of course. I could hear Mommy's heart beating really fast when she was rocking me, that's how I know she was scared. Silly Mommy!!

When all that drama was over, I got a fresh diaper, and a clean outfit because it was tiiiimmeee for a Wallly World trip! I needed to get some new diapers because I pee soooo much, Mom probably has to change me like a million times a day!
I'm on the roller coaster through Wal-Maaarrttt! Gotta hold on tight so I don't bump my head. I hope Mom let's me ride the roller coaster every time! There's so many fun things to see. Like today, there was an old man following us on this funny looking thing, I could tell Mom was getting nervous but I couldn't stop staring at him!

After buying things for dinner we headed home. Mom put the groceries away and started cooking dinner. I got to sit on the counter and watch her! It smelled soo good, it made ME hungry! So Mom made me a biiiig bottle. I ate in the living room... but shh don't tell Granny Cup, no one's allowed to eat in the living room ;) I played around for a little bit while Mom and Papa had their dinner. Then it was showwweerrrr tiiiimmmeeee.

I took a bath in the big peoples bath tub! Mommy filled it up juust a little bit, enough for me to play around. I did pretty good tooo! When I was on my tummy I put my face in the water, I don't know why. I didn't choke or anything but Mommy had to lift my head back up. Thank God for Mommys!! I was a little wiggly and cranky when I got done with my bath, so Momma made me another bottle. And sure enough it knocked me right out. Out like Shout!
That's meeeee! Holdin' my bottle like a big boy. 
Goodnight Daddy!! I love you and miss you soo super duper much!! I'll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe one day I can see you on Skype, I hope soo, I don't wanna forget you.


You'r baby boy

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