Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hat Day


I woke up BRIGHT and early today Dad!!! And I was the happiest baby in the whooole wide world. I don't know why I was so happy today, but Mom took a LOT of pictures to show you.
This was right after breakfast... I think. Me and Mom were talking about baby monkeys because they were on Go Diego, GO!
haha! Even with my tongue out I look cute :) I was on the search for my sippy cup!
  I fouunndd it. And just like always, it put me to sleep! I didn't sleep for very long. But I did take a lot of naps today, 3 or 4 I think. 
See, that sippy got me again! haha. Mommy scooped me up and put me upstairs in my crib this time. So I could sleep longer. But it still wasn't for very long. Momma was cleaning my room and going through all my clothes to give some to my new baby cousin... Bryson Harlow Zechman.
Mommy told me thats what Uncle Zach's baby should be named.
Since Momma was being so loud I figured I'd better wake up and help her. I was more of a distraction then anything, she couldn't stop taking pictures of me. 
She made me put all these different clothes on and those hats. I don't think I like hats Daddy, although I do look pretty darn cute in that first one huh!? haha! Look at my funny face!!

After Momma and I finished in the room we had some dinner and watched American Idol. Me and Momma hope Lauren wins! Then it was bath time :)
I don't even need a little baby bath anymore! Know why?! Cuz I'm a BIG BOOYYY!!
Do you know what happens after bath time Daddy?!?
Beeedddd tiimeee! I was full of energy after bath time but as soon as my little cutie patootie head hit that bed... I was out like shout :)! 
Tonight I hope I'm not restless again. Last night I kept waking up and crying for a second then I would go back to sleep. Maybe I was having bad dreams. Hopefully, tonight I dream about you Daddy! I love you sooo much and I miss you much tooooooo!!! Love you Daaaaddy!


You'r Baby Boy

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