Thursday, June 30, 2011

Look How Much I've Grown


Here are some pictures you might have seen before. I'm growing soo fast, do you remember when I was soo tiny....

There I am right after I was born. I wish you could have been there to hold me for the first time. But that's ok, you have my whole life to make up for it... haha I love you Daddy!!

Daddy's Little Guy.

Look how little I was... I'm almost too big for my car seat now!

That was on Christmas Day.. Remember that Daddy.

That was when all those mean ladies kept poking me with needles!! And there was NOTHING wrong with me but a little cold. Remember that Daddy?!

There'e Me and You taking pictures while Momma "cleans" our room. Maybe oooonnee day I will be as dark as you! haha

Daddy Thinks I'm the #1 Baby

This was the day before Mommy found my first tooooooth! And as of today I have TWO new teeth. 

Can you believe how fast I'm growing, I'm like super baybeeeeeeeeeee!! Soon is when all the fun starts. I'll be crawling around alll over the house, knocking things over, busting my face on sharp things like corners, trying to climb the stairs, and who knows what else!! I hope Mommy can handle it! What do you think Daddy?! She's gonna worry toooo much HUH!! Oh well... that's Mommys I guess.

I miss you Daddy and love you sooo sooo soooo sooo sooooooooo so so so so soo much. I hope you enjoy remembering how little I was.


You'r Baby Boy

Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Saturday we got up early and went to the beach again. This time Granny Cup, Papaw, and Vielle came with us.

Waiting on Momma to put a beach bag together for us. Like my new stroller Daddy! It's a lot more comfy then the other one I had. And look... I push my toes against the tray all the time!! I'm all ready with my shovel for the beach. Momma wouldn't let me play in the sand though :( she said I would probably get it in my eyes, up my nose, in my ears, and in my mouth. Eww!

Me and Granny Cup. Look at my chubby little fingers haha! 
Here is a video of Granny Cup holding me in the water. I get a little scared... but just a little.

After this I hung out with Papaw for a little bit then he took me out in the ocean past the waves. Since Momma is too afraid of waves she wanted someone stronger to take me out there. It wasn't deep, the water went up to a little past Mommy's elbows. I didn't stay out there for very long because it was boring haha. 

When we all came back to our chairs Granny held me while Momma tried to get a sun tan. After a little bit of bouncing I fell right asleep on Granny Cups lap.

Granny Cup took me to the hotel room to finish my nap. Later on in the day Uncle Zach, Auntie Heather, and Kara came over again.

Haha! I tried to climb up Mommy's tummy when she was videoing me!

And that was my whole day on Saturday :D I love you Daddy!! And miss you soooo much!!



Monday, June 27, 2011



Friday was my first time at the ocean :D!!

Me, Momma Lamma, and Uncle Nick-adoo all went to the beach together. I don't think I liked it very much. The waves scared me I think.

That was the only time I went in the water that day. I just sat on the beach with Momma Lamma, trying to get dark like YOU Daddy! Mommy took a video of us walking up to the water but it won't load :(

It wasn't very sunny that day. I pooped not long after these so Mommy had to take me back to the room. I stayed with Papaw while Momma and Uncle Nickadoo went looking for fish in the ocean.

Later that day Uncle Zach, Auntie Heather, and Kara come over again to play with me.

I just loooovvee hims!! And my cousin Kara toooo!!
We all went to go eat at Shuckems.

I luubb chewing on my wipes! We had to sit outside because there was a lot of people there. Good thing it wasn't too hot out there!

When everyone was done eating we all went home and went to bed!! Wish you were there to have some oysters with me Daddy!! I miss you a whole bunch!





Thursday we all got packed up to go to Panama City Beach!!

It was a long drive for mee, I fell asleep a few times. But I didn't fuss OONNEEE bit!! Even though I have a new tooth, I didn't let anything make me crabby.

Mommy and I played around for a little bit. We stopped to eat lunch at Whataburger.

See me sitting in a high chair for big kids Daddy!! That's because I AM A BIG BOY!! I wouldn't be surprised if I started talking some day soon.

We finally got to the beach!!

Then Uncle Zack came over to see meee. Auntie Heather and my cousin Kara came over too! I don't know why Momma didn't take a picture of me with them. Look how Uncle Zack made my hair funny!! I look like a Jesse James baby.

After everyone went home it was finally my bed time. 

Dooin' the Dougie

haha. Look how funny I sleep Daddy!!! I miss you soo much and wish you were at the beach with me. I loooooooooooooovee youuuuuuuu!!!



Oooppppss!! Almost forgot....

My neewwwww TOOTH!! Can you see the one next to it is growing tooooo? I like to bite Mommy with them!! hehe


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


To anyone who reads this blog:

It would mean a lot to Oliver and I if we had some... just a little... smiles, thumbs up, words of encouragement, hellos, miss yous, love yous, any feed back at all about the blog. Maybe you could tell us some stuff you would like to see, like more pictures or more videos. Maybe less words or you might want to know more details of Oliver's day, or nothing at all. ANY kind of feed back would be nice, then we'd at least know SOMEONE was reading these blogs. It isn't hard to leave a comment all you need is your email address if that. And if you take any pictures from the blog the least you could do is let us know how cute they were. 

Yours truly,

Courtney and Oliver Bryan 


I got my fiirrsstt tooooth!!

Today when Momma was feeding me lunch she noticed that I kept putting my tongue to the side of my mouth. So she stuck her finger in there and felt a tooth :D

AND I can also touch the floor now in my walker. So far I can go backwards and side ways... kinda. haha.

Mommy tried all day to take a picture to show you Daddy but I wouldn't let her. Instead you can just come over and see it :) I miss you sooo super deeee duper much Daddy!!



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thunder Storms & Swimming


Today was a rainy day :( Sometimes the thunder was so loud it made the house shake! It would rain for one second then thunder and lightning for a few then it would be sunny, and that went on all day.

These are all from me this morning.

This morning Momma put me in my bumbo in the kitchen on the middle of the island while she was making her coffee and toast. Then when she turned around I was half way out of my bumbo trying to reach something. I ALL most fell out of my bumbo onto the counter!! Now Momma will never ever forever put me on top of anything high like a counter or even the couch or a bed!! Guess I'll have to get used to walking around in my walker all the time, or crawling.

After this Momma took me up stairs to change and nap but instead she changed my sheets in my crib.

I was trying to pull myself up! haha

I took a nap for a little bit while Momma went to Wally world. When she came back we went..... SWIMMIIIINNNGGG!!!

 Ooohh maann I'm such a BIG BOOOYY!!

Me in the pool with Mommy. I loovee swimming!!

Me and Granny Cup when I got out of the pool. I'm a cute little puppy!! See my ears.

After the pool we had dinner and watched a movie together as a family. I fell asleep of course... the movie was BOOrriingg!!

And that was my day Daddy. Love and miss you!!



Monday, June 20, 2011

Car Seat Ridin'


Today was fun. I woke up and Granny Cup fed me breakfast. Then I took a nap with the best Momma in the whooollleeeee universe!! Then when we woke up and went down stairs everything was different. Granny Cup and Papaw moved everything around in the living room. But nooww I have more room to crawl around :)

When we woke up no one was home. So we ate some lunch and waited. Then they finally came home. Granny Cup got me a surprise... a walker!! Yaayyyy!!  And some new jamy jams because I'm growing sooo fast I can't even fit some of mine.
My feetsie weeties can't touch the ground yet :( but that's ok, they aalllmmoosst reach.

After I played with my new walker while everyone ate some lunch, we alllll went to Wally world. 

I was tellin' Mommy a story about all my pals at the crib. Haha!

We were all on the hunt for a tv stand. Plus Momma had to get some more food for meee. I eat alot since I'm growing into a big boy!! 

Mommy has been trying to find one of those shopping cart cushions for me. All the ones she finds aren't very soft or cushion-y enough, I could still hurt myself on the bars she says. One time we saw a lady have one with two pillows on both sides of her baby. It looked realllyy soft and full of cushion, but Momma can't find one like that in a store. Oh well.

When we got home from Wally world I took a nap. When I woke up I was really cranky. I played around and fussed for a while. Then it was bed time. 
And that was my day today. Hopefully Mommy will take me swimming for the very first time tomorrow.
Love and miss you!

