Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thunder Storms & Swimming


Today was a rainy day :( Sometimes the thunder was so loud it made the house shake! It would rain for one second then thunder and lightning for a few then it would be sunny, and that went on all day.

These are all from me this morning.

This morning Momma put me in my bumbo in the kitchen on the middle of the island while she was making her coffee and toast. Then when she turned around I was half way out of my bumbo trying to reach something. I ALL most fell out of my bumbo onto the counter!! Now Momma will never ever forever put me on top of anything high like a counter or even the couch or a bed!! Guess I'll have to get used to walking around in my walker all the time, or crawling.

After this Momma took me up stairs to change and nap but instead she changed my sheets in my crib.

I was trying to pull myself up! haha

I took a nap for a little bit while Momma went to Wally world. When she came back we went..... SWIMMIIIINNNGGG!!!

 Ooohh maann I'm such a BIG BOOOYY!!

Me in the pool with Mommy. I loovee swimming!!

Me and Granny Cup when I got out of the pool. I'm a cute little puppy!! See my ears.

After the pool we had dinner and watched a movie together as a family. I fell asleep of course... the movie was BOOrriingg!!

And that was my day Daddy. Love and miss you!!



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