Thursday, June 30, 2011

Look How Much I've Grown


Here are some pictures you might have seen before. I'm growing soo fast, do you remember when I was soo tiny....

There I am right after I was born. I wish you could have been there to hold me for the first time. But that's ok, you have my whole life to make up for it... haha I love you Daddy!!

Daddy's Little Guy.

Look how little I was... I'm almost too big for my car seat now!

That was on Christmas Day.. Remember that Daddy.

That was when all those mean ladies kept poking me with needles!! And there was NOTHING wrong with me but a little cold. Remember that Daddy?!

There'e Me and You taking pictures while Momma "cleans" our room. Maybe oooonnee day I will be as dark as you! haha

Daddy Thinks I'm the #1 Baby

This was the day before Mommy found my first tooooooth! And as of today I have TWO new teeth. 

Can you believe how fast I'm growing, I'm like super baybeeeeeeeeeee!! Soon is when all the fun starts. I'll be crawling around alll over the house, knocking things over, busting my face on sharp things like corners, trying to climb the stairs, and who knows what else!! I hope Mommy can handle it! What do you think Daddy?! She's gonna worry toooo much HUH!! Oh well... that's Mommys I guess.

I miss you Daddy and love you sooo sooo soooo sooo sooooooooo so so so so soo much. I hope you enjoy remembering how little I was.


You'r Baby Boy

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