Friday, June 17, 2011

Nothing New


The past week has been sooo not interesting. I've just been doing the same things all day, everyday. Sleep, eat, poop, take a bath, sleep some more. Haha. But sometimes I do silly stuff too. I'm just gonna show you some pictures and videos from the past week. I hope you like them :)

Momma is putting me down for a nap. It doesn't even seem like I'm tired huh!

But after the video Mommy went to answer the phone and when she came back she found me sleeping like this!!

Don't worry though after she took pictures she moved me to the middle of my crib.

That was another day when I fell asleep funny!! Mommy says I'm totally her son because she sleeps holding onto a pillow like that! Isn't that crazy!!

Here is MEEE eating lunch with Momma.
I eat sooo good huh Daddy!! The only time I make a mess is when Momma puts too much food on the spoon... SO it's Mommy's fault! haha.

I was watching Momma help set up the pool. Boy was it a hot one that day!

Hangin' out in Mommas bed.
Playin' Patty Cake.
I was realllyy tired.
And that's aallll I doo. Lay around and look handsome :)



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