Monday, June 27, 2011



Friday was my first time at the ocean :D!!

Me, Momma Lamma, and Uncle Nick-adoo all went to the beach together. I don't think I liked it very much. The waves scared me I think.

That was the only time I went in the water that day. I just sat on the beach with Momma Lamma, trying to get dark like YOU Daddy! Mommy took a video of us walking up to the water but it won't load :(

It wasn't very sunny that day. I pooped not long after these so Mommy had to take me back to the room. I stayed with Papaw while Momma and Uncle Nickadoo went looking for fish in the ocean.

Later that day Uncle Zach, Auntie Heather, and Kara come over again to play with me.

I just loooovvee hims!! And my cousin Kara toooo!!
We all went to go eat at Shuckems.

I luubb chewing on my wipes! We had to sit outside because there was a lot of people there. Good thing it wasn't too hot out there!

When everyone was done eating we all went home and went to bed!! Wish you were there to have some oysters with me Daddy!! I miss you a whole bunch!



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