Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Saturday we got up early and went to the beach again. This time Granny Cup, Papaw, and Vielle came with us.

Waiting on Momma to put a beach bag together for us. Like my new stroller Daddy! It's a lot more comfy then the other one I had. And look... I push my toes against the tray all the time!! I'm all ready with my shovel for the beach. Momma wouldn't let me play in the sand though :( she said I would probably get it in my eyes, up my nose, in my ears, and in my mouth. Eww!

Me and Granny Cup. Look at my chubby little fingers haha! 
Here is a video of Granny Cup holding me in the water. I get a little scared... but just a little.

After this I hung out with Papaw for a little bit then he took me out in the ocean past the waves. Since Momma is too afraid of waves she wanted someone stronger to take me out there. It wasn't deep, the water went up to a little past Mommy's elbows. I didn't stay out there for very long because it was boring haha. 

When we all came back to our chairs Granny held me while Momma tried to get a sun tan. After a little bit of bouncing I fell right asleep on Granny Cups lap.

Granny Cup took me to the hotel room to finish my nap. Later on in the day Uncle Zach, Auntie Heather, and Kara came over again.

Haha! I tried to climb up Mommy's tummy when she was videoing me!

And that was my whole day on Saturday :D I love you Daddy!! And miss you soooo much!!



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