Sunday, June 5, 2011

Missing Y-O-U


I finely got to talk to you today :D!! I wasn't sleeping this time. I was so excited to hear your voice! I know I wasn't very talkative on the phone but when we hung up I was soo happy that I heard your voice! I was bouncing up and down and smiling soo big.

Momma took this picture and tried to send it to your phone. Man am I handsome or whaatt!!

Today was a regular day. Ate breakfast, drank my bottles.
 Ya know... just hung out in my usual spot. Kickin' it with Momma.
haha. I can't walk yet but I have a feeling that I will be soooon. Crawling is coming along good. I don't have a steady pace yet but ya know... I get to where I wanna be. haha.

Mom and I watched some cartoons together. Then I fell asleep.

When I woke up Granny Cup, Papaw, and Uncle Nick were home!! Uncle Nick is gonna spend the summer with us :) We are gonna have soo much fun! He's gonna take me swimming. Every time I see him I stop whatever I'm doing and just stare at him. Even when I'm eating. I don't know why haha, maybe because he is sooo tall, or because  his voice is soo deep.

Soon after they got home I fell asleep again.
It gets soo hot in my room during the afternoon that Mommy just puts me to sleep with no clothes. Look at me sleeping on my arm haha. When I woke up my hand was indented on my belly. Now Momma pulls my hands out!! But I always move them back, it's just too comfy!!

In the evening time I got to talk to Auntie Jerrica on Skype. She always makes me laugh!! Love yoouuu Auntie  JayJay!! Momma and I went downstairs after that and played with some soft blocks. She stacked them up and I knocked them down and drooled on them. haha.

Oh I got in trouble today Daddy :( I bit Mommys' finger too hard. She told me 'That hurt Momma' and I made a sad face, but I didn't cry!! She felt bad for making me sad so she gave me a hug and a kiss ;) heh heh heh.... now I know how to trick her!!

Oh maannn Daddy and guess what else happened today!!! Remember that music maker that lights up a picture on the ceiling? Well Momma put that on for me tonight and looked up to watch it. When one of the pictures lit up you could see an insect foot on the ceiling!!! YEP! A bug leg! So Uncle Nick unscrewed it and took the whole thing apart. And there it was... under the lens... a bug leg!! Only a bug leg, there was no body attached to it. Isn't that soo strange and creepy!! Granny Cup thought so. haha.

And that was my daaayyy. I guess it wasn't so regular after all. I love you Daddy and I'm soo happy we got to talk today. Miss youuu!


You'r Baby Boy

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