Friday, June 3, 2011

Visit from Grandpa


I've had a busy couple days Dad. And my crankiness is proving it!! I don't know why but I have been such a cry baby today. And when I took naps I wouldn't sleep for very long.

Yesterday we had to wake up early to take Granny Cup to her doctor appointment. As soon as we got there I pooped alllll over the place and all over my overalls :(. And guess whaaatt!! Mommy didn't bring any extra clothes for me :(!! Thankfully she brought a blanket with her and wrapped me uupp.
We had to wait sooo long for Granny Cup that I fell asleep... When I woke up there were a lot of people around... OOOLD people. They look soo funny!! I couldn't stop staring at the old man in front of me, haha he was making funny faces to me! He was silly!! Then Granny Cup finally came out. She had to get a shot! Poor Granny!!

We came home after the doctor. And I took a short nap.
Since I didn't sleep long and I didn't have any other naps, I was sooo tired that I fell asleep really early, 6 o'clock. I didn't wake up till 10:30 at night!!
Momma made me a bottle and let me play around in her bed until I got tired. Once I got sleepy eyes she started reading to me. Peter Pan!! I looove that book!! I couldn't stop staring at the pages when Momma was reading to me. And then I fell asleep.

Today Grandpa Bryan came to visit meee!! I loove him soo much! He makes me smile soo big. But I was soo cranky today. I fell asleep while I was drinking my bottle, so maybe I was just tired.
Momma picked me up to put me in my crib but when she touched me it scared me lol. So I woke up and didn't go back to sleep. Then I was cranky for the rest of the day. Maybe my teeth are starting to arrive. 

Here are some videos Mommy took of me over the past couple days...
That was me at McAllister's. Momma tried giving me some potatoes too but I just spit those nasty things out!!
That was me crawling around in the living room... well I was tryyying to crawl!!

And that was all I did Daddy. I miss you! And I love you a lot Dad!


You'r Baby Boy

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