Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ice Cream


It was a quiet day today... Just Meee and Mommy. Grandpa had to go home today back to Alabama. I'm gonna miss hims!! But Mommy and I will go visit him soon. Maybe we can come and visit you too Daddy, if you have time. I hope you do, I haven't seen you in such a long time.
That's mee when I just woke up. Look at my funny hair!!
And my funny face!!

When I woke up I got to sit with Granny Cup for a little bit and try to wake Momma up. We went downstairs and ate breakfast then Granny Cup and Papaw left. 

I was soo bored today I took 3 naps haha.

Haha. I really like sleeping on my side. I wish you could visit Daddy, then maybe I wouldn't have to take naps. I could just play with you all day!

Momma and I watched Princess and the Frog together.
I wish Momma had more boy movies for me. Like Robin Hood, Lion King, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, you know stuff like that! Maybe one day I will see those movies, for now Mommy just reads them to me.

We ate our dinner then Momma had an ice cream cone and she let me try some...
Haha. I look like Santa! I have a white beard from the ice cream, it was soo yummy! Momma only gave me a little bit even though I kept asking her for more. After I made a mess everywhere it was time to take a bath. Then off to bed! Goodnight Daddy!! I love you soo much and miss you a lot!!


You'r Baby Boy

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