Wednesday, June 8, 2011



I felt like poopy today Daddy!! I don't know what was wrong with me but I was such a crab today.
There I am screaming at Momma! Which is what I did most of the day.

I woke up feeling ok I guess... but after lunch I was just craazzyy!! Momma was doing stuff in her room and Granny Cup was cleaning her closet. So Mom put my Winnie the Pooh crib in her room so I could play while she was busy. I was alllll the way at the bottom of it :( I did NOT like it at all!!! I felt like I was in a cage, maybe I'm claustrophobic.... who knows. Every time Momma would leave my eyesight, even if she was still in the room, I would scream for her.

Before Momma was busy, she was cleaning my room. She put me in the bouncy thing so I could watch her and make sure she didn't leave me. 
After I bounced up an appetite Granny Cup brought me a banana and my juice from lunch time. I made suuuch a mess, but it was soooo yummy!!

When I was all cleaned up that's when Mommy put me in the pack n' play. Even though I didn't like it Momma kept me in there while she was doing stuff. But she played with me a few times to try and cheer me up. It worked for a little while then she would walk to Granny's room and I would freak out.

And that was my day Dad!! You're lucky you weren't here today because I was not my normal self! I hope you can see the normal me soon Dad, I miss you soo much! I lovey dove dove you!!


You'r Baby Boy

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