Friday, June 10, 2011

Hangin' Out


Momma was busy AAALLL day so of course I was grumpy AALLL day. You know those tiny red dots Mom was telling you about... well she woke up with two on her face tooo! And today Granny woke up with one on her neck. So they muusstt be mosquito bites.  

That's what Momma spent all day doing... vacuuming then spraying bug zapper stuff on all the base boards and window sills. Plus the bug killer guy is coming to the house some time next week. I hung out in the pack n' play most of the time. I'm getting used to it.

Mommy is starting to feed me in my Bumbo now instead of my bouncer. I have to learn how to hold my head up when I'm eating, I usually lean forward and it makes a real big mess when I do that. But I'm starting to get better with that too.

There I am having another Happy Potter Marathon with Momma and Uncle Nick. I got to watch them make dinner too. Mommy got a recipe from Titi Vanessa and it smelled sooo yummy!! I can't wait till I can eat some when I get older.
I fell asleep on Mommas warm covers while we were watching Harry Potter. They were so soft and cozy. I didn't sleep for very long though because I had to take a bath.
After my bath Momma tried to get me to go back to sleep. I put up a little fight and pretended I was sleeping until Mommy tried to put me in my crib. haha. But after a few songs I finally fell sound asleep. Good night Daddy!! Tomorrow I'm gonna go swimming for the first time evveerrr. Sit in the sun a little bit so I can look like yoouuu again. haha. I loove you Daddy and missss you soooo much!!


You'r Baby Boy

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