Monday, June 20, 2011

Car Seat Ridin'


Today was fun. I woke up and Granny Cup fed me breakfast. Then I took a nap with the best Momma in the whooollleeeee universe!! Then when we woke up and went down stairs everything was different. Granny Cup and Papaw moved everything around in the living room. But nooww I have more room to crawl around :)

When we woke up no one was home. So we ate some lunch and waited. Then they finally came home. Granny Cup got me a surprise... a walker!! Yaayyyy!!  And some new jamy jams because I'm growing sooo fast I can't even fit some of mine.
My feetsie weeties can't touch the ground yet :( but that's ok, they aalllmmoosst reach.

After I played with my new walker while everyone ate some lunch, we alllll went to Wally world. 

I was tellin' Mommy a story about all my pals at the crib. Haha!

We were all on the hunt for a tv stand. Plus Momma had to get some more food for meee. I eat alot since I'm growing into a big boy!! 

Mommy has been trying to find one of those shopping cart cushions for me. All the ones she finds aren't very soft or cushion-y enough, I could still hurt myself on the bars she says. One time we saw a lady have one with two pillows on both sides of her baby. It looked realllyy soft and full of cushion, but Momma can't find one like that in a store. Oh well.

When we got home from Wally world I took a nap. When I woke up I was really cranky. I played around and fussed for a while. Then it was bed time. 
And that was my day today. Hopefully Mommy will take me swimming for the very first time tomorrow.
Love and miss you!



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