Monday, June 6, 2011

First Step


I took my very first step ever today!!!! I was holding onto Momma but still!! Can you believe it?! Mom took a video to show you. 
When I did it the first time I wasn't as bouncy as I am in the video. I was just excited, and I bounce when I'm excited! I wish you were there to see me Daddy!!

Today was a crazy day. There was a hail storm and wind storm, it blew our front door open and scared the bahjesus out of Momma!! haha. She thought a tornado was gonna get her!! 

Before all that happened I had breakfast and it was time for my morning nap. I was getting sleepy eyes but my body just didn't wanna go to sleep. So Mommy read me Robin Hood. I just stared at the colorful pages and listened to her read. It didn't take long and I was sound asleep.

Loud thunder woke me up but I wasn't scared, I didn't even get scared when the door blew open. When the storm was over the rest of the day was quiet. Momma tried to feed me my lunch but I didn't like any of it. So I spit it all out and made her give me a bottle!

I played around with Momma and Uncle Nick some. And I talked to Titi Vanessa and my cousins today and Jonathan tooo!! Man I miss them soo stinkin much!! Especially Chunks, we could be bouncing together riiigghhtt nooowww! I didn't take another nap, maybe I will sleep longer in the morning so Mommy can rest. I got a bath and Mom sang me Winnie the Pooh songs until I fell asleep. She got me a cd of Winnie the Pooh and it puts me to sleep almost every night! I love it!!

That was my crazy day today Daddy! Sorry Mom didn't take more pictures she was really busy today. I love you soo much and miss you toooo.


You'r Baby Boy

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