Monday, June 27, 2011



Thursday we all got packed up to go to Panama City Beach!!

It was a long drive for mee, I fell asleep a few times. But I didn't fuss OONNEEE bit!! Even though I have a new tooth, I didn't let anything make me crabby.

Mommy and I played around for a little bit. We stopped to eat lunch at Whataburger.

See me sitting in a high chair for big kids Daddy!! That's because I AM A BIG BOY!! I wouldn't be surprised if I started talking some day soon.

We finally got to the beach!!

Then Uncle Zack came over to see meee. Auntie Heather and my cousin Kara came over too! I don't know why Momma didn't take a picture of me with them. Look how Uncle Zack made my hair funny!! I look like a Jesse James baby.

After everyone went home it was finally my bed time. 

Dooin' the Dougie

haha. Look how funny I sleep Daddy!!! I miss you soo much and wish you were at the beach with me. I loooooooooooooovee youuuuuuuu!!!



Oooppppss!! Almost forgot....

My neewwwww TOOTH!! Can you see the one next to it is growing tooooo? I like to bite Mommy with them!! hehe


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